How to Get a Government Job in Pakistan? Learn About the Pathway
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    How to Get a Government Job in Pakistan? Learn About the Pathway

    Finding a government job can be a daunting task for you, but following the right strategies can help you reach your destination. Government jobs can help you create an impact nationally and work for your people. The jobs might be challenging, but they have reasonable salaries and security. 

    To get a government job in Pakistan, you should meet standards and have a decent qualification and CV. Age is another factor that majorly contributes to getting into the government sector. The more fresh graduates you are, the more chances you have to get a job.

    What's the proper roadmap to get a government job in Pakistan? Let's explore!

    Essential Factors and Steps to Get a Government Job in Pakistan

    Choose your Field Wisely:

    Once you finish the intermediate, it's time to pick your relevant field. That's where most of the students make mistakes and fall into the trap. Always go for a subject that fascinates you. If you're pressured to get into a degree you're not interested in, chances are you'll never make something out of it.

    To pursue a degree of your interest, you need to research and learn about different fields. This will help you make a powerful and better decision.

    Don't Ignore the power of Networking:

    Building a solid network can help you land better jobs and follow your passion. Start by making good relations with people already in the government sector. You can find a lot of people around you who are serving as government employees. 

    Participate in the events organized by the government regarding education, jobs, and career counseling. This opens your mind, and you start thinking out of the box. 

    You might have heard, "Your Network is your worth."

    This makes perfect sense. Maintaining a good reputation and networking with relevant people can help you see opportunities. Most of the people get jobs by references.

    Build a Great CV and Portfolio:

    To get a government job in Pakistan, you must have enough experience while applying for higher positions. As a graduate, you can start an internship and add that to your resume. This lifts up your knowledge and makes you confident in what you do. Moreover, taking part in extra-curricular activities and getting certifications are a cherry on top.

    Dig Out Job Oppurtunities:

    Sleeping over good opportunities is a big mistake. When you're done with your graduation or internship, it is time to search for job options. You can find jobs at Jobstechy relevant to your potential and interest.

    Join social media platforms that post regarding job openings. Read articles and stay active to get the job. Constantly improve your resume and experience.


    When you get a reasonable job posting either online or by a reference, the next step is to prepare for application. Start by assembling your essential documents with your resume or cover letter. Make sure everything is done perfectly and timely. Doing things in the nick of time can cost you an opportunity.

    How to Apply for Different Sectors in Pakistan?

    If you are still confused about how to get a government job in Pakistan and where to apply, the following points will clarify.

    Specific commissions are designed to recruit the most deserving and eligible candidates in Pakistan.

    For example:

    Federal Public Service Commission:

     FPSC ensures seamless and merit-based recruitment in the government sector. As the name indicates, FPSC hires the candidates after reviewing their applications and selecting suitable candidates. FPSC opens up jobs in the Federal sector, and to apply, you can visit their website.

    Public Service Commission: 

    PSC is a commission for jobs in the different provinces of Pakistan. There are provincial commissions in each area.

    • Punjab Public Service Commission: PPSC ensures recruitment and conduct of competitive exams in the Punjab.
    • Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Public Service Commission: KP-PSC recruits candidates from Khyber Pakhtunkhwa after the competitive exams.
    • Sindh Public Service Commission: SPSC conducts exams for recruitment in Sindh and lists the job openings.
    • Balochistan Public Service Commission: BPSC recruits from Balochistan province

    National Testing Service:

     NTS is a private organization that conducts exams for testing and hiring suitable candidates. Pakistan Testing Service (PTS) also performs tests for accurate testing and filtering. To apply for tests, you can visit their websites.

    Pakistan Police Service:

    If you want to work in the police sector or law enforcement position, you can apply for PSP tests to get a job in the government sector.

    Pakistan Administrative Service (PAS):

     PAS is a government service that tests and selects  individuals for higher administrative positions. You can apply by visiting the website.

    What Are Some Government Jobs in Pakistan:

    You can find good government jobs in Pakistan in different sectors. From teaching to Central Superior Services, there are a lot of government jobs.

    There are a lot of government jobs in the sales and development sector. You can check out different positions in the industry here.

    You can also find jobs in other sectors like the health and medical sector, marketing, telemarketing, Human resources sector, and operation jobs.

    Also, there are several online government jobs, such as creative design jobs, writing assignments, and editing jobs.

    What Benefits You Get in a Government Job:

    In a government job, there are a lot of perks. Working as a government employee can help you make a significant impact in your sector and society. Government jobs help you better deal with higher-level people through official events and seminars.

    Government jobs offer higher salaries and benefits like health or education facilities. These benefits make government jobs attractive for people.


    You can find a government job in Pakistan as per your interest and experience and make a good living. The search for a job starts from a young age. Choose a field that you have an interest in and upskill each year to make a great resume. 

    Your powerful experience and CV can help you get jobs in higher positions.